Miley Cyrus Quiz

Miley Cyrus Quiz

Feb 24 · 1 min read

As the song "flowers" is being heard just about everywhere and it seems like Miley is more popular than ever. As somebody who grew up in the same generation of Miley Cyrus, it is incredible to see how far she has come. Although we have always been fans of her music, it seems her music is showing a new side of her talent. We wanted to create a fun quiz to bring together some Miley fans to test their knowlege!

As Miley has created music in many different genres over the years, she has been able to gain so many fans with different tastes. Its incredible to see how she switches from one genre to another so well. We are so excited to see what the future of music holds for Miley Cyrus! If you want to learn how to play music check out our music lessons in Beaverton.

Nellie Hughes
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